Standing out from the Crowd

Standing out from the Crowd

Sometimes…honestly…I feel quite insignificant. Like I don’t measure up to everyone around me. But measuring up isn’t really the goal is it? Exploring and giving the best of myself is the goal. Kinda like this little corn stalk. No, he’s not 9′ tall or counted among the great mass of corn stalks in the field, but he’s giving it all he’s got! And that makes him spectacular. These are the people that give cyclists a bad name. I’M A CYCLIST AND IT TICKED ME OFF! C’mon you noobs! Get with it and get smart! If you don’t care about your own safety, fine. You wanna be a hood ornament that’s your choice, but I prefer to live without the image of your sorry spandex flying across the hood of my car, and I definitely don’t want my girls learning that cycling is dangerous because you choose to be an idiot!
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